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Qui somme-nous ?

Bonjour ! Je suis un coach linguistique qualifié et certifié avec plus de 25 ans d’accompagnement de professionnel.le.s souhaitant acquérir plus d’aisance et confiance en eux/elles pour s’exprimer sans crainte dans toutes les situations de la vie.


Avec son équipe de coachs linguistiques et formateur/trice.s spécialisé.e.s, je peux vous proposer une large gamme de formations adaptées à vos besoins et vos objectifs. Vous travaillez dans les métiers du spectacle, dans la communication et le marketing, l’humanitaire, ou la logistique, nous pouvons vous apporter des solutions clef-en-main personnalisées.

from a variety of backgrounds, each being :


Our approach

I take great care in adapting my personalized coaching sessions to your needs.

First of all, by precisely analyzing your needs and objectives as well as your availability.

Then, by proposing a detailed programme of the points to be addressed.


During the sessions, I approach each point in a way that stimulates and awakens your skills and reinforces your confidence in your own abilities.


You remember much more than you think! Each session becomes a memorable experience through playful role-playing and improvisation activities related to your profession in order to optimize the acquisition and fluency of the language and your communication skills.


We can provide you with trainers with specialized skills upon request or if we believe they will bring added value, such as legal, technical and scientific or medical English.


A benevolent and encouraging approach

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